The power consumption conservation project

The management of Masaryk dormitory would like to inform you…

Dear students,

Due to a power consumption conservation project – which, in our building will entail the replacement of lighting components, thermostatic radiator valve heads and water conserving devices, we’d like to ask you to ensure safe access of our technicians to the said fixtures.

There will always be a responsible dormitory staff member of the dormitory present, as a oversight during the procedure to ensure safety of your belongings.

Estimated Replacements are expected to start
on 27th of April 2020 and finish by 30th of September 2020

Works will begin in the southern part of the building (red) first and continue with the mid-section of the building (red, blue, yellow, orange, green) and will end with the northern part of the building (green).

We’d like to ask of students to keep sorroundings of their radiators (desks, cupboards, shelves) tidy, so that the replacement works can be done as quick as possible.

Thanks for your cooperation