Masarka Club Board Election 2019

Chairman of club Masarka Oleg Ostashchuk declares election to the Board of Masarka club, according to the rules of CTU Student Union and internal regulations of Masarka club. The members of club can send their candidature till 14.05.2019.

According to regulations of Masarka club, Board has from 5 to 7 members:

  • Chairman
  • Vice-Chairman
  • Others

In these elections, seven members will be elected.

Schedule of election:

Decleration of election24.04.2019
Applications of candidates01. – 14.05.2019 23:59
Publication of accepted candidates / Electronic election15. – 21.05.2019 23:59
Discussion with candidates16.05.2019
Result announcement22.05.2019
Start of the Board’s term of office25.05.2019
Board meeting date suggestion27.05.2019

The candidature must include: name, surname, member ID, email and agreement of candidature into Board of Masarka club

The candidature may include: small sized photo, address to election website of candidate and brief political program

Candidatures should be sent in PDF format in a readable size after being printed on A5 format. Applications will be accepted till 14.05.2019 23:59 on email address “”. All sent data will be published on election webpage and Masarka board.

Fluent and fair progress of election will be ensured by voting commission:

  • Barbora Bašková
  • Martin Čerňan
  • Ján Oravec

Voting commission will answer all questions or unclarities in regulations about the election and on 22.05.2019 will announce the final results of the election. Commission will also deal with any trouble in connection with the voting process. In a case of any suspictions that the elections were not valid, the commission has the right to cancel the elections. For the communication with voting commission use the email:

In Prague, 24.04.2019

Oleg Ostashchuk

New room reservation system

  1. Select the room

    Select the room in the “RESERVATIONS” list.

  2. Read helpful information

    Pay attention to the information about rules of this room

  3. Select the date

  4. Select the time

    Click on the line with time, when you want to start. Left-click and hold, pull to the line with time, when you want to finish.
    Notice!!! There are time limits for using rooms.

  5. Confirm selected date and time

    Press green “Book” button to confirm selected date and time.

  6. Enter your email address

    Enter your email address if you’re not logged in yet and click “Next” button.

  7. Confirm booking

    Fill the “FIRST NAME” and “LAST NAME” fields. Write your name exactly in the same form as it was written in your dormitory card, otherwise your reservation will not be accepted. Click on the box to confirm, that you accept the terms and privacy policy of the reservation system. Confirm the room reservation by click on the green “Confirm booking” button.

  8. Your reservation has been added